Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The first story board I composed consisted of one of the four pictures.  I decided to pick a picture that interested me personally which was the children playing soccer.  I have a strong passion for sports and felt I could closely relate to the topic.  I placed the picture in the second frame of my story board to show the progression of age through time.  I named the story board Practice Makes Perfect because I showed the process of what it takes to be crowned FIFA World Champion.  This assignment was enjoyable and allowed me to think freely.

The second story board I made is similar to my first but on a different aspect of sports as a whole.  The name of this story is Every Team has a Coach which highlights the importance of a leader.  I chose the same picture from the previous story board with the addition of the black male with his hands crossed.  I portrayed the man as praying for his team to win the game.  Since coaches do not always win, the last picture I chose resembles their importance. Every team has a coach to keep their players head up and to make the best of every situation, regardless of the outcome.  For this assignment, I looked at the four pictures we were able to choose from and picked the ones I felt were closely related.  I do not feel any of the other pictures could have been compiled into a story board unless they are going from subject-to-subject.  For both of my story boards I chose Moment-to-Moment because I like to show progression over time.  I enjoyed this assignment because it made me feel like I was writing a childrens novel.

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