Monday, November 1, 2010

How to make pasta!

When I started this project, I felt that it would be easier to use graphic pictures to show the steps of how to make pasta.  I printed out the 20 pictures and soon after realized that they were not going to fit into my sketchbook. Instead of wasting more paper, I used construction paper and put everything together on it.  Since I am not the greatest artist in the world, I felt it would be easier to describe the steps using graphical pictures from the web.  With this assignment, I attempted to teach an illiterate person how to make pasta without words.  I used +, =, and various arrows to show the process in simple steps. My thought process was very basic and feel that the steps can be followed by an adolescent.  I feel this assignment was very straight forward which allowed my thought process to be as well.  I first wrote down everything that cooking pasta involves and found pictures that thoroughly represented the necessary steps. I personally enjoyed this experience because making pasta is my favorite food to cook.  Prior to gluing the pictures, I laid them out formally over the construction paper to make sure they are in the correct order.  I then glued each down and used yellow paint, allowing for the reader to easily follow step by step. 

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