Monday, November 8, 2010

Information Graphic

Prior to starting this assignment I was unsure whether to create my own graphic or edit one already made.  I decided to compose my own which consisted of the Inter-Class Council.  This is an organization of which is a big part of my life.  I decided to take a snapshot of the General Assembly meetings as each student is sitting in their actual seat.  The audience of my graphic appeals to incoming freshmen looking to get involved.  Looking at this graphic, the cognitive load is overwhelmed because the information is not organized in a manner that can be easily understood.  I then took the actual seating chart and composed an organizational hierarchy which reduced the cognitive load.  I felt that this was going to be my final graphic until I realized I could simplify the information even more.  I researched a strategic business unit and found that I could minimize the amount of lines that connected each position.  As I reflected on each graphic I was able to find ways to reduce the cognitive load.  This assignment taught me a lot about how information can be perceived pre-attentively as well as the importance of reflecting upon my own work.

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