Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Completing this assignment was extremely easy but at the same time difficult to reflect upon.  I chose pictures that caught my attention as soon as I turned the page.  The themes I noticed among my pictures are celebrity status's and the overall theme of having fun.  I chose pictures of alcohol and beautiful women to resemble entertainment as well as pictures that are graphically appealing to the eye.  I also noticed a common theme of eyes which I randomly cut out because they caught my attention first glimpse. I do not feel their is a central focus to my collage which I like because it keeps the viewers attention by looking at every picture individually.  I learned throughout this assignment that I tend to look at the little picture before I look at the overall scheme.  I feel this way because when I started cutting out the clips from the magazines, I was initially cutting small objects rather than page size clips.  Once we had 5 minutes left to complete this assignment, I began cutting bigger pictures to fill the space.


  1. A common theme that I noticed was celebrities, or very attractive people. I also notice a theme around partying and fun.

  2. This collage looks very fun, I like how he used the word "wired" I feel it definitely relates to the collage. I also like how the images are spread apart so the viewer can focus on any image.

  3. A pattern i found in this collage was that some of the words are designed all different. some ads that are up are just words.
    i also noticed that there isnt really one picture that grabs your attention which i like.

  4. This collage gives the overall feeling of letting loose and having fun. Its general theme is attractive people with classy drinks. The use of words and bright colors contributes to this overall feeling of fun.

  5. This collage is very well organized, and has a good "flow." I'd say the theme is definitely about having fun. I'd say we have a wild child on our hands here.
