Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Treatment for Turf-Grass

This assignment was challenging at times but I feel I got the overall point across. I coordinated the proper treatment with Y for yes and N for no, as well as arrows that direct the viewer to the next condition test. I used symbols that I felt represented the grasses current condition.  The arrows and symbols lead to the suggested treatment that will revitalize the grass to its healthy state.  The hardest part was coming up with symbols that describes the conditions that the grass is enduring.  When it came to the word dry, I had a tough time thinking of a symbol that could resemble it.  I felt the periodic symbols that represent water was sufficient enough to tell whether the grass was dry or not because of the yes or no.  I also did not know what a termite looked like so I had to look it up on google images. Since we were not able to use words, my thinking pattern was stretched to the max.  Allowing for the viewer to understand the proper treatment deemed hard at my initial thought. I felt the overall experience was enjoyable even though we could not be literal with our directions.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Completing this assignment was extremely easy but at the same time difficult to reflect upon.  I chose pictures that caught my attention as soon as I turned the page.  The themes I noticed among my pictures are celebrity status's and the overall theme of having fun.  I chose pictures of alcohol and beautiful women to resemble entertainment as well as pictures that are graphically appealing to the eye.  I also noticed a common theme of eyes which I randomly cut out because they caught my attention first glimpse. I do not feel their is a central focus to my collage which I like because it keeps the viewers attention by looking at every picture individually.  I learned throughout this assignment that I tend to look at the little picture before I look at the overall scheme.  I feel this way because when I started cutting out the clips from the magazines, I was initially cutting small objects rather than page size clips.  Once we had 5 minutes left to complete this assignment, I began cutting bigger pictures to fill the space.